Monday, 21 November 2011

Paul Graham - recent work year 2000 onwards

I have included these images - beacuse to me they speak of social divides - which is a theme i am really interested in, so much so i am considering working on this idea to produce work in response to the city brief.

I have been to Northern Ireland before, as soon as i saw these pictures. especially the one above i was familiar with the marking of territory and the ideas around claiming parts of the landscape.
the red blue and white V.s. the orange green and white represents the constant battle between the Irish Catholics and the Irish protestants.

Even the top image presents the idea of separation, the placement of the fence in the foreground acts as a barrier suggesting the other side is unreachable.

All of these themes i am interested in utilising in my depiction of Manchester, this idea that we are free to roam where we want, yet the use of one way systems, CCTV, security and barriers are a permanent reminder that we are in fact a controlled society, I want to explore to what extent that control exists in Manchester and if that relates to the history and hierarchy of different locations, for example the levels of control are less prominent in smaller cities, yet more so in cities such as London, why? because it is the capital of out country? because our royals live there?
where does manchester lie in this hierarchy?
i think it would be an interesting project to explore and these images have helped inspire ways of presenting these images visually.

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